strip down

美 [strɪp daʊn]英 [strɪp daʊn]
  • 拆卸,拆开(引擎或设备);除去;剥去
strip downstrip down

strip down


  • 1
    → see:strip 7


get undressed
please don't undress in front of everybody!
She strips in front of strangers every night for a living
Synonym: undress discase uncase unclothe strip disrobe peel


  1. They taught us how to strip down a car engine and put it back together again .


  2. You can , for example ," strip down " a process to contain a minimal subset of its content by removing packages that contain elements of work that you do not want to perform .


  3. In the video , two young women strip down to their underwear on the Shanghai metro .


  4. To start , strip down the example to just a Twitter search without geolocation .


  5. I 've decided to strip down my motorbike and rebuild it .


  6. But where you are , and what gender you belong to , may determine just how much you can strip down .


  7. The firm also showed off a recycling robot called Liam which can strip down old iPhones into their components for reuse .


  8. This book does not strip down or sugar coat its contents to appeal to the dabbling magician .


  9. It allows GM to strip down its balance sheet , curb its healthcare and pension liabilities and close reluctant dealers .


  10. You strip down to your shorts , put on gloves , socks and a hat , and step into the cryochamber .


  11. This trans-Pacific gap in bandwidth is so pronounced that Korean developers often have to strip down their software if they want to take it stateside .


  12. Sometimes , shesays , the key is to strip down the technology to streamline a product , so itdoesn 't need as many buttons or as large a battery .


  13. Savana Redding was 13 when Arizona school officials made her strip down to her underwear . They were searching for ibuprofen . None was found .


  14. While it may seem a little " out there " for some , Einstein 's approach is actually pretty simple : strip down your ideas to their most basic components - without words .


  15. A very small percentage of botnet runners seems highly skilled , they strip down their IRCd software to a non RFC compliant daemon , not even allowing standard IRC clients to connect .


  16. Maybe I 'll try to strip it down to white .


  17. New owner will strip it down .


  18. In that case , you can take advantage of Geronimo 's modularity and strip it down by removing the Web container .


  19. If you strip that down to the bare essence of the data , you can encode the same event using JSON .


  20. But not like this . We strip it down , make it and real . A new production needs a new Swan Queen . A fresh face to present to the world .


  21. After that has been verified to work , strip the file down , rename it and add your own code .


  22. They strip each one down into a collection of screws , bolts , connectors , feet and other components .


  23. A new process , which combines mechanical descaling with high-pressure water by mixing water with abrasive at outside of nozzle , was used to improve the descaling effect of strip and cut down the operation cost .


  24. The strip is then cooled down to room temperature .


  25. Strip off ( or down ) his platform rhetoric and what is he left with ?


  26. Aid workers report that even the clan feuds that have plagued the strip are being toned down from gun battles to fisticuffs .
